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                 Essays, Articles, Opinion and Humor




The Boston Globe

“Mother of Dragons”
This story’s about the pains of parenting--watching my 9-year-old son walk toward a heartbreak, unable to stop him.

“In Praise of the Staple”
Everywhere you look, things shift, separate, become unstitched. Just one thing endures: the staple, an unsung hero. 


“Ukraine’s Long-Standing Fight for Freedom”
As a proud Ukrainian American, I know with certainty that Ukraine will triumph over Russia.

The New York Times: Motherlode Column

“Giving Thanks for Great-grandparents”
I was blessed to have a second set of devoted parents, my grandparents.
“What Should Children Learn About Race?”
My kids have a drastically different perception of black people than I did at their age.  
“Mother Earth vs. Mother: Confessions of a Paper-Plate Addict”
I reduce, reuse and recycle every chance I get… well, sort of.
“My Father’s Shoes”  
As an adult and parent, I now recognize my dad’s lifelong, unwavering devotion to me.
“One Mother, Maple Syrup, and the Fear of Terrorism”
Sadly, it seems we all became a little suspicious of one another after 9-11.
“The Apple Rolls Away from the Tree”
On a humid summer day, my assumptions faced off with my daughter’s determination.

The Washington Post

“I Don’t Teach My Kids to Say Thank You”
Aiming to instill gratitude in my children, I developed an alternative to prompting thank you’s.

“100 Lives”
My brief bio was included in the list of 100 Washingtonians profiled on January 1, 2000.   – Disney

“I Am a Mighty Dragon”
Saying my mantra helps me believe that I can conquer anything.    
“Feeding Picky Eaters: 10 Tips for Getting Your Kids to Eat”
Keep pulling your hair out, or else try my nifty tricks for getting your little rascals to eat.

“10 More Strategies for Getting Your Kids to Eat”
And if the suggestions above don’t work, I present you 10 more that worked in my family.  

“The Twelve Ways of Christmas: A Guide to Preparing for the Holidays”
A partridge in a pear tree is of no use, but here are some practical tips to manage the holidays.

The Christian Science Monitor


“The Amazing Race”

Ready to run with me? This essay recreates 14 stressful minutes in my life as a city-dwelling mother,

racing to pick up my daughter from school on time with my toddler son in tow.

Women’s Health

“I Meditated Every Day for a Month—Here’s What Happened”
Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?  I enjoyed learning how to meditate.



Real Simple

“The Experience That Made Me Believe in Santa Again”
In my late 30's, as a mother of two and a Grinch, I happened upon the real Santa Claus.



The Chicago Tribune

“Ukraine Will Endure”

Behold the indomitable spirit of Ukrainians.

“Reality TV versus Reality”
This letter was a small expression of my outrage at the election of Donald Trump.

Weekly Humorist

“Packaging Copy on Egg Cartons that Allows You to Buy Eggs in Good Conscience ”

Have you noticed the text on food packages that assures you the animal whose flesh or byproducts

you're planning to eat had a decent life? That's what inspired this piece!


Points in Case

“Camp Hope Hope Hooray! A Summer Day Camp for Middle-Aged Adults”
Kids aren't the only ones who need recreation in the summer!

Full Grown People

The Wicked Stink
Who would allow a nasty smell to fester in their kitchen trash just for the fun of it? 


“Turning 40”
This essay tells of a surprise turn-around in my attitude toward getting older. – site of The Plain Dealer  

“Thank You, Cleveland, for Supporting Ukraine”

On behalf of the Cleveland Maidan Association, thank you for standing with us.


“Tired of the White House Reality Show? Let’s do Electoral College Reform via the States”
Wake up, everybody!  Electoral College reform is in our hands.

“Shootings, Children and Trump”  
Donald Trump is abhorred by gun violence and yet supports the NRA—go figure.
“Cleveland Cavaliers Have Taught Us What It Means to Be All In”
Our basketball team missed winning the NBA championship but wow-ed us with their grit.



Cleveland Magazine


“My Wedding Hoax”

On our wedding day, my husband and I hid a tiny secret in plain sight. 



Some people pick up stray animals; I have a soft spot for lonely older folks.

Here's the story of a friendship that started in the cemetery.

“Junk Mail Junkie”

Who is crazy enough to spend time reading their junk mail?  Well, uh, for a while, ME.



The Columbus Dispatch

“Local Leaders Must Pass National Popular Vote Bill”
I’m nudging Ohioans to take action in the effort to reform the Electoral College.



Northeast Ohio Parent

“LeBron and Larissa, too: Another Clevelander Returns Home”
After 17 years of living on the east coast, I moved back to Cleveland and rediscovered its appeal.  



The Ukrainian Weekly


“Plast teens find novel way to share celebration of Ukraine’s independence" - page 13
My daughter and her friend demonstrated that no virus is powerful enough to stifle Ukrainian spirit.


My grandparents and I both took pause to admire the dazzling lights of New York City,

but on two disparate January evenings, 60 years apart.    


              My Children’s Book:  Pajama Spies

I’m seeking representation for my children’s book, which is geared for ages 4-8.  Told in rhyme, it’s

the story of a brother and sister who— disappointed to learn they’ll be home with a babysitter—sneak

out of their apartment to follow their parents on date night.  This scene is set in a restaurant:

It was not at all exciting to watch their parents eat,
but trying for a better view, Sofia stepped on Alex’s feet.
“OW!” he shrieked.  “You hurt my little TOE!”
He’d used his outdoor voice instead of one that was low.
Mom dropped her fork and looked around the room.
The kids froze behind the curtain.  This surely meant doom.
“Did you hear that voice?” she asked Dad.  “It sounded like our son.”
“Impossible,” he said. “You’re imagining it, Hon.’”


Copyright © 2018 Larissa Kosmos.  Site design by Jim Zunt

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